We hope all is going well for you and yours. We are writing to express our enjoyment, excitement, pleasure, concerns and dislikes of our game. We are asking for you to listen to a few suggestions from a group of long time players.
We have played your game for years. The amount of years is irrelevant. What is relevant is that we enjoy the game. We come here to have a good time with good friends. However, lately those good times have dwindled down to the point of not enjoying this game as much anymore.
We have tried to communicate with you, the developers, on numerous occasions about improving our game since we are the ones that play it. Yet, we feel as a whole, that you have ignored our voices in this matter.
All we ask is that you listen to our needs and wants to improve our gaming experience so we can enjoy the game again. Know this, if we didnt care about this game we would not take the time to come together on these issues.
The game unfortunately is full of glitches and bugs. Dragons and troops disappear, buffs on crystals don’t work the way they are supposed. There is no information on how they really work. Points in events don’t get counted correctly. Lag when loading/attacking and lag refreshing screens. These are just a few examples. We ask you to finally correct the issues we have written to you several times about. It is frustrating to invest money in something that does not work properly. At some point people get tired of it and they end up leaving.
Improvements are needed in the market for exchanging dragon equipment materials and crystals. We need an alliance tab to be able to sell within our own alliance. It’s frustrated to have materials stolen that were intended for someone within the alliance after they were purchased with gems.
That leads us to needing a confirmation button for using gems within the game, especially when the INSTANT BUILD button is pressed accidently. I’m sure you’ve had this issue where you have to return gems to players. You are not losing the gems this just lets the players spend them in other areas.
We’d like some new events with better prizes, or just expanding the events in some way. Make events challenging but not impossible so players are more obligated to participate. This way they will invest more in the game.
We need you to listen, be more responsive and pro-active to our concerns. At this rate you will continue to lose revenue and players. We have all agreed on a gem buying freeze starting June 1st, 00:00 game time, until our demands are heard and the suggested improvements are implemented in game. We are tired of playing a game that doesnt feed our need of enjoyment anymore. We are tired of being ignored no matter how many of us complain to you. Most of us continue to play the game because of the friendships we developed. Our friendships cannot keep us here much longer without some serious changes to improve this game.
We have band together because this is how much it means to us. Now it is your turn to listen and improve your relationship with us and enhancing our game.
The sooner you address this matter the sooner we can go back to enjoying our game.
Perfeccionista5 about War of Thrones – Dragons Knights Story & Kingdoms on Fire, v3.7.0